We didn’t know much about each other twenty years ago. We were guided by our intuition; you swept me off my feet. It was snowing when we got married at the Ahwahnee. Years passed, kids came, good times, hard times, but never bad times. Our love and respect has endured and grown. We've been through so much together and here we are right back where we started 20 [sic] years ago—older, wiser—with wrinkles on our faces and hearts. We now know many of life's joys, sufferings, secrets and wonders and we're still here together. My feet have never returned to the ground. 





By Lu Gusun 

Robert Frost said, "Poetry is what gets lost in translation." Not necessarily: that thousands upon thousands of poems get translated back and forth in the world is evidence enough to the contrary. And if you, dear Reader, take a look at the poems translated below in this book, you'll find the meaning conveyed faithfully, cultural milieu kept in tact, and the poetic ethos enriched. Little, if anything, is lost. 

Nevertheless, nobody has dwelt with greater cogency upon the enormous difficulty involved in poetry translation than Frost in the above-quoted remark. As I see it, translation of poetry requires that the translator have the makings of a poet in him or her. He/She absorbs the source poems with innate poetic sensibilities until they become part of his/her aesthetic being. The empathy is such that the absorbed poems stir, agitate, even haunt him/her, making the utterance of them an absolute must as Jin Shengtan said. By now the translator has to turn to be a poet in the target language in his/her own right, relying on an abundance of prior poetic experience in it. A songster, as it were, who cannot enjoy a minute of peace of mind unless the song is sung. Poetry translation worth its salt invariably involves such a receptive-productive process. 

Professor Ren Zhiji or Charles Jen as he is known in the US, an old friend of mine since the 1960s, from whom I've learned a lot as it was our wont to discuss matters concerning English and other subjects so much so that during the so-called Cultural Revolution in China we were accused of "scratching each other's back in a coterie like the Hungarian Petrofi Club," has enough qualifications of this kind and to spare. He was born an Odysseus, not that he seeks adventures, but that he is a nostalgic by nature. I remember swapping writings in English with him for comment or pleasure reading in the early 1960s. One sentence in one of his essays has never escaped my memory: "Suddenly a cuckoo called. The only audibility in the mountains. And we were thinking of mother." 

For Ren, emigration happened when he had outlived an ardent age. What remains now is no longer the ecstasy of new horizons but rather the apotheosis of memory. No wonder he has zeroed in on ancient Chinese poetry mostly with a motif of nostalgia and homesickness. People notice that unless he/she is a dolce vita in the mainstream, a feeling émigré, like Milan Kundera, cannot but look back and sing with a heart throbbing with emotion worthy of a Homeric epic: "Alone, in a sadness sublime,/And tears come!" (See page ??) Greater[Jason Chu1] pathos is couched in seemingly light-hearted lines such as "Kids.../Asked me smiling WHERE'S MY HOME" (See page ??) I feel my old friend is tackling a reconciliation with the finitude of life with these lines. In this sense, the value of Ren's translations far exceeds poetry alone but is a good sample of diasporic literature. 

Technically, Ren's preference to condensed, succinct phrasal utterances instead of to drawn-out, grammatically viable sentences shows how well he grasps the quintessence of poetry. Stylistic devices like synesthesia (e.g., "Green moss lit up by the echoing flare") abound only where they are comfortably apt. Rhythm and rhyming are continuously a Kierkegaard Either/Or proposition in poetry translation. Ren handles both with aplomb; unrhymed but pleasantly rhythmic lines are fully justified especially when the translator aims at an English-speaking readership accustomed to a time-honored poetic tradition traceable to Shakespeare's blank verse. 

Mr. Yu Zheng, the other translator, is but a slight acquaintance. He did excel among his age peers when he studied at Fudan University, Shanghai, in a class which both Ren and I taught. He has since been remembered as an assiduous and affable young man -- with few words but a lot of promise. If he doesn't feature prominently in this foreword, I sincerely beg his pardon. 


[1]受業 文冤閣大學士 謹譯  

阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国太祖荒天漠地肇极开基饰文黩武扰外殇内哀皇帝,姓卡扎菲,讳穆阿迈尔。壬午年四月辛卯生,其先贝都因部。少习戎事,遂欲问鼎。乙酉秋,举事,兵不血刃,废伊德里斯一世。时犹未而立,不称帝,自封上校。治哲学,作绿皮书,以“伊斯兰社会主义”治国,诛伐异己。恃苏维埃联盟淫威,渐与美利坚国不睦。丙寅春,美师承熹宗里根旨,空袭京畿的黎波里,一公主死焉。戊辰冬至,美民航客机忽坠英吉利国洛克比镇。世皆谓太祖阴谋之,列邦遂绝往来,凡十年。然辛未骤变,俄罗斯一蹶不振,美国所向无匹,太祖乃萌意修好。癸未,以空难罪己,欲外通贸易。辛卯,内乱顿作,例以雄兵镇之,不息,蔓而难图。会欧美盟军夹攻,致六龙西狩,潜入虞渊,运筹抵御,抗衡一时。以敌众倍,终不支。三子先后见执。九月丁未,遇流寇,遭射杀。传崩前疾呼曰:“央视误我,召忠误我!” 论曰:太祖少年枭雄,驰骋大漠。不忘家法,恪守圣训。好居氊庐,常墨镜持枪,谈笑从容。御林红巾翠袖,萦绕左右。其享国也,挟地利以集富,凭外援而称豪。然夜郎独夫,心益骄固,安能久守此势。一旦失倚,自诩偏安,则卌载霸业,黄粱立熟,其幻如蜃楼矣。